Robbin' Halbhöhe

by Laura Oppenhäuser (Stuttgart)
6 Tage Frei

"Property is an obligation. Its use should also serve the common good".
Based on Article 14 (2) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, the question arises as to how much responsibility private individuals should, can and would like to bear for the common good. How consciously do we deal with material wealth and the privileges that come with it? How willing are we to share something – and whom with?
Laura Oppenhäuser mooches around Stuttgart's well-off neighbourhoods, where the big money is hiding behind large fences. She is out to seek an open dialogue with wealthy people
people about materialistic wealth, about privilege, social responsibility and generousity. She has nothing, but nothing to sell. That's why she asking for lent items, for her to take along onto stage. Let it be wine bottles, car keys, furniture, cleaning help or a tennis lesson. Based on collected objects and encounters she reflects on impressions, prejudices, clichés and facts. Along with her own texts and audio-visually supported by Ivan Syrov.
concept/realization/text/performance: Laura Oppenhäuser
collaboration/sound: Ivan Syrov
outside-eye: Nana Hülsewig
costume: Aaron Alexander Arnoldt
plakate/flyer: Peter Franck
production assistent: Sophia Sadzakov / Coline Petit
production management: Lisa Beck
THANKS TO: Karolin Stächele, Studio Panorama, Paul Göritz, Lea Rossatti and eight residents of the Halbhöhenlage.
More informations about the artist here.
A co-production with Theater Rampe. The development of the production was significantly supported by the FITZ Theater animierter Formen. Supported by the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, the Cultural Office of the City of Stuttgart and the Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart.
Unfortunately we have to cancel the event due to illness. Tickets already purchased will be refunded, we will get back to you.
Datum: Donnerstag 02.05.2024Uhrzeit: 20:00 UhrOrt: JES - Junges Ensemble Stuttgart